Words From Earth horizon
Maybe there's some kind of something ... At least not nothing!
Words From Earth horizon
Art is for beginners.
Words From Earth horizon
What's happening to you is happening to me.
Words From Earth horizon
For heaven's sake, publish nothing before you are thirty.
Words From Earth horizon
There aint no such thing as a bargain promise.
Words From Earth horizon
He seemed very manly and incontrovertible, like something she wanted to push over.
Words From Earth horizon
Forget your hopes. They are what brought you here.
Words From Earth horizon
The moon is usually made in Hamburg, and made quite poorly.
Words From Earth horizon
Meanwhile, nature itself was dying, one life at a time.
Words From Earth horizon
Science is the imaginary knowledge of a perfect truth.
Words From Earth horizon
Tears are stirred into martinis.
Words From Earth horizon
Truth is what most contradicts itself.
Words From Earth horizon
Interviews, like falling in love, are the sort of the thing it's embarrassing to do alone.
Words From Earth horizon
It was during this period that Goethe began to fling both his arms around whenever he went for a walk.
Words From Earth horizon
If you have the wisdom that this life consists mostly of letting go, then why not get good at the letting go rather than the trying to have?
Words From Earth horizon
What could either of them get from such a passion but a sense of his or her own maximum self, in contradistinction to all the rest of life?
Words From Earth horizon
Tortoises are the children of a frog and a rock.
Words From Earth horizon
The most successful celebrities are products.
Words From Earth horizon
If you slurr in describing a man as 'tall', you may have said that he has long balls.
Words From Earth horizon
Humility! The last trap that awaits the ego in search of absolute truth.